Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve

In thinking back of all the
amazing blessings of 2013
I feel so very thankful
for this magical year
One of the many things I am thankful for
is that I discovered the music of Krishna Das
and memorized the Hanuman Chalisa
That's why Steven gave me this
monkey mask for Christmas :)
Our belated Christmas present to each other
will be this dragon statue which
we will place out beside
the Sandalphon Circle
where our fountain is
Dragon Song

Sacred Dragon
Sing your love song
Fill the world with magic
We will sing along
Teach us how to look at everything
Through the eyes of mystery and joy
We are changing
We can fly
Breathe the fire of love
Love will never die
Dragon Beautiful
Dragon Luminous
Dragon Guardian
Love is singing us


We will be entering into the New Year
in just a few hours
I am excited to sing my love song in 2014
and fill my world with magic
looking at everything
through the eyes of mystery and joy
loving all the changes
breathing the fire of love 
into everything I do
I Love You

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Fun Holidays

We had a very magical Solstice Day
First of all there was
a heart in the sunrise sky

Then all my kids and grandkids
came over to open Christmas presents

Steven and I had fun buying animals for presents this year

carved wooden turtle
malachite giraffe head
monkey hand grabber
solar powered waving cat
pyrite ammonite
butterfly sarong
raven puppet
frog box

then instead of putting names on the gift boxes we let
everyone draw a card to see what order to go in
for picking a present

Oona got the lowest number so she picked first and I was 
super thrilled when she picked the very present I would have chosen
for her then Faith went next and again I was super thrilled when she
got the very present I would have chosen to give to her!

Everyone got the perfect present!

Seth gave us each an animal mask

The funniest one was the horse mask he gave to Otis
and here's a very short video of Otis the horse
walking around on Remi's new stilts

On Christmas Eve Eve we saw
a real reindeer in Fort Collins
Happy Magical Holidays to You
I Love You

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I Love Trash

My husband Steven is quite amazing
in so many ways but one of my
favorite things about him is how
he can turn trash into treasures

Several years ago we took out all
the carpet in our upstairs and have
been enjoying the plywood floor

Okay maybe enjoying is not a good word,
but plywood has been much better that
old, smelly carpet, that's for sure

We planned to put laminate flooring down eventually

No hurry

One day when we were dumping a
pick-up load of trash at the landfill,
a guy pulled up next to us with a
pick-up load of laminate flooring

Steven asked him if we could have it
and he said sure so we loaded
it all into our pick-up

We ended up bringing home a bigger
load from the landfill than we
took to the landfill

And now finally years later we
have started putting our new floor
down and it looks really beautiful

Another treasure that my incredible husband
saved from the garbage is the laptop that
I am writing on this very minute

Someone had thrown it in the recycle bin because
it didn't work but Amazing Steven spent
hours fixing it and now it is my laptop
that I love so much

In fact I love it so much that I was very rarely
ever getting on the desktop anymore
so that will be going to a new home

I thought I needed the desktop to
paint my animal paintings on but the
laptop does just fine for that and I
don't even have to use a mouse


Not only is my wonderful husband a miracle worker
for finding treasures in the trash but he also finds
incredible deals on Craig's list

Like our new electric fireplace

Come on over
sit in front of the fireplace
and have a cup of vegan eggnog

Happy Holidays to You!

I Love You

Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy December New Moon

This is a happy new moon blog
because it's the new moon and
I haven't written on my blog for awhile
We had a fun Thanksgiving
Took our little RV named Antelope
up to Rocky Mountain National Park
and camped in Moraine Campground
with our angel fairy cat Koyuki
We had a wonderful dinner of
tofu turkey and all the traditional
Thanksgiving stuff vegan style

And we had Hanuman wine
Too much of it actually...
We drank the whole bottle!

It was wonderful to hear the
elk bugling all night long
And I had fun making this video

The next day we went to the Stanley and
did our first Christmas shopping in their gift store

I don't know how many years it's been
since we went shopping on Black Friday
but we sure had fun shopping in Estes Park
Especially since that was the first time
we have been there since the flood
Watching the parade was a great celebration because
we were so thankful that Hiway 34 is open and we 
can go up to our favorite place in the world again
I got the Christmas decorations out today and put them up

It didn't take me very long because I only have a few
I like for Christmas to be simple and I keep
looking for new ways to simplify
Happy New Moon to You
I Love You

Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy October

This last week-end I played piano for
11 singers at their All State Auditions
and I had a really great time and all
the singers sang so beautifully.

I had one really unusual experience that I thought
would be fun to write about since it's been quite awhile
since I wrote anything on my blog.

Well, before I write about that experience
let me tell you about my experience of
playing for ASA last year.

Well, actually let me go back about 15 years
and tell you about what I thought would be the
last time I would ever play for ASA.

The auditions were in Berthoud that year.
I only had one singer to play for and that morning we got about
2 feet of snow. So Steven drove me to Berthoud and we got stuck
in the snow and someone had to get us unstuck and then when we
finally got to ASA they had cancelled the auditions.
That's how I remember it anyway. Maybe it wasn't quite like
that, but I said to myself I am never playing for ASA again.

So, last year when 3 singers asked me to play for them I said
no, I don't play for ASA anymore. But they didn't have anyone
so I relunctantly and grudgingly agreed to. Then, two days before
ASA I fell down and broke my pinkie and my first thought was
"Great! Now I don't have to play for ASA!"
So I called around to several accompanists
and no one else could do it.
Can you believe it?
I ended up having to play the auditions with a broken pinkie!

After all that, I decided to say Yes this year and play for ASA
and enjoy doing it and have a wonderful time. Which I did.
Except for my experience of playing the haunted piano...

Isaac's audition was in Room #4, a big room with a grand piano.
I had already planned to use the soft pedal on his Schubert piece
because the notes in the right hand were fast moving all the way
through and I didn't want to cover up his beautiful singing. 
So I soft pedaled.

And all of a sudden the notes I was playing in the left hand
were not the notes I was playing! They were dissonant notes
and the whole piece began to sound bitonal and very weird!
I kept looking at the keys to make sure I was playing the right ones
and I was truly playing all the right keys, in fact I didn't miss a
single note in the whole song. But it sounded like a horror movie.
And Isaac is amazing. He didn't let on like anything was wrong at all.
He sang beautifully while I was over there freaking out and I'm
sure making all kinds of weird faces. Afterwards I was informed
that when you hold the soft pedal down the keyboard shifts
the keys or something on the bottom half, so no one ever uses it.

I wonder why they didn't have a sign up to warn people?

Well, anyway, I came out of the room saying


All in all it was a fun scary Halloween experience.

And now on a totally different subject
here is a picture of my new journal
which I got at the same garage sale
where I got my harmonium

Good timing because I am now
memorizing the Ganesh Chalisa

What is really cool is that The Hanuman Chalisa fits perfectly
with the melody for my Monkey Song and I love  to sing it that way

So now while I am learning the Ganesh Chalisa
I am putting it to the melody of my Elephant Song

Today is October 28 and
guess what wonderful thing
happened 3 years ago

Our Dear Sweet Fairy Cat Koyuki
came to live with us

Happy October to You

I Love You

Monday, August 19, 2013

My New Harmonium


A few weeks ago I told Steven that when I
have memorized the entire Hanuman Chalisa then I
want to buy a harmonium so I can play it
while I sing the Hanuman Chalisa

I finished memorizing it a few days ago
We were looking at harmoniums on ebay
yesterday morning when I got an email
from my friend Lauren saying that her
husband had decided he didn't want to
sell any of his harmoniums right now
so when I told Steven that he said
well I'll find you one on Craig's list

So he looked on Craig's list and there was a
harmonium for sale at a garage sale in
Boulder for $175 and the sale was only
going to be one day (today) from 10-2

I looked in my cash box and I had $178
So we drove to Boulder, got to the
garage sale just a few minutes after it opened,
walked in and saw this beautiful harmonium,
fell in love with it and said we'll take it


Just another example of how
magical life is


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Two Magical Synchronicities


We were hiking the other day
from Bear Lake to Glacier Gorge and
as we started out I looked at the time

it was 10:16

When we got to Bierstadt Lake
I looked at the time

it was 11:16

When we got to Glacier Gorge
parking lot I looked at the time

it was 12:16

I thought, Wow that is so unusual!
I wonder what the significance of those numbers is?

Later that afternoon
Steven found a fountain on Craig's List
(we have been looking for the perfect one

for several months)

When I saw the fountain I immediately loved it
even though it was well worn, and needed
painting and a new pump

It has 3 levels and each one
has 16 raised ridges

That's the significance of the three 16's!!

We brought the top half home first and
within just a few minutes of setting it up
in our Sandalphon Circle I looked out the window
and 3 baby deers were checking it out!

Here's the other magical synchronicity

This morning I was outside singing
my Sacred Animal Songs by our little waterfall
and when I finished I set my iphone up

and made a video of Nuthatch Song

I was hoping maybe a little nuthatch
would come along to be in the video

That didn't happen but one did
sing along near the end

I came inside to pick my
Sacred Animal Song of the day
so I could make a piano video
of it like I have been lately


Can you believe?!!


So instead of making a piano video
I just used the singing one that I
had just made :)

 Nuthatch teaches us grounding
and to have faith in ourselves

Being grounded simply means
we are fully present and
focused in the NOW moment

experiencing peaceful awareness
connected to All that Is
and in the Flow
Here is what I wrote in my journal this morning
Life Loves You
This now moment is how
life shows its Love for You
Breathe deep breaths of Love
for this NOW moment
Love Youself deeply through
your Love for this now moment

You are here now
and You Are LOVE
Happy Magical Day!
I Love You

Friday, July 19, 2013

Golden Turtle Path Thoughts


Breathe deep breaths of LOVE
You are such a beautiful
radiant angel
Feel the Golden Love
that shines so beautifully
forever through YOU
Breathe deep breaths of LOVE
Everything is flowing in
divine perfection
Breathe Deep Breaths of Love
and Solstice Stillness Magic
Beautiful Blessings
May all the LOVE you
give return to you brighter
than it was before
Everything is magical

Breathe deep breaths of
loving to be here

Breathe deep breaths of
loving yourself

Breathe deep breaths of
loving everything exactly as it is

Breathe deep breaths of
loving your radiance

Breathe deep breaths of
loving the magic of
being here now

Magical things are happening all around

Let the magic flow
within you and without you

Let everything go
but LOVE

Be Open
Be New
Be Radiant

Love All the ways
You Shine your Light
and Love Yourself for
Shining it so Uniquely

The more JOY You can find
in the moment where You are
the more JOY will flow to You in
every moment and the greatest
blessing You radiate to everything
Breathe deep breaths
of thankfulness

All is working out perfectly
as it always does

Every day is
a miraculous journey
of Love and Joyful Beingness
with Magic everywhere you look

Breathe deep breaths of Love

Love the moment you are in
with all your Beingness

Your radiant presence
here now brings light to
this present moment
in all universes
You are a wonderful being
and life loves to bring you
magical moments
just to see you light up
in gratitude and wonder

Have fun being in the
magical flow of now

Breathe deep breaths of
gratitude and love

Divine Love breathes you in
every moment and Angels are
always with you ready to help with
anything when they are called upon

Life flows
Ever changing
Be Joy here in
the magic of Now

Everything beautiful is flowing to you

Simply keep your heart open and rejoice
in the magic of every now

Breathe deep breaths
of thankfulness
for beingness

Breathe deep breaths of Love

Open your heart and
have fun being you
in every moment

When your heart is open
magic loves to pour in
and through you

Breathe deep breaths of love
and thankfulness for changes
Remember to be
thankful for everything
and flow with the changes

Breathe deep breaths of LOVE

Everything is perfect
and perfectly flowing
Breathe Deep Breaths of Love

Breathe the Magic of
Being Here Now in these
very Magical Planet Earth Days

Keep Creating
Loving Each Other
Breathe Deep Breaths of Love
You Are so Perfect Exactly as You Are
This Now Moment is filled with Magic
You are a Magnificent Creator Being
Have Fun Being You
Divine Love Breathes Us
We Are One
Remember that you can do anything you want
if you just take little steps
one step at a time
You Are Divine
Love Yourself so much that Divine Love
pours out from You and touches Everything
Have fun in whatever you do
Let your love pour into everything you do
and pour into every thought you think
Shine Shine Shine
Life is Glorious
and every moment
is perfect

Enjoy the changes in yourself
as you flow along
Breathe the magic of
this now moment
and celebrate that you are here now
to love everything
and be love
in all the ways
you enjoy

What you look for
is what you see
See magic
in every


Love yourself so much
and love this moment so much
that millions of loving thoughts
reach out and touch millions of stars
and so much light shines that
everything in all universes is
blessed by your love
Simply be present in this moment
filled with Love for All
Everything is perfect
and nothing matters
Breathe deep breaths of Love
knowing All is Well in All Universes
and Life never ends
Breathe deep breaths of Golden Love
and watch the magic flow

Love the flow of changes
in yourself

Just as the weather changes
everything changes

The Love You Breathe
is present eternally
and Loves All
that changes

Breathe Blessings to All
and enjoy the Magical Moment
that is Always Here Now

Let every day bring new transformations

Let each moment fill you with Joy
as you fill each moment with Joy

Love the flow you are in
as you joyfully adore
each now moment

Every flow of Magic entertwines with
every flow of Beauty creating
Beautiful Magical Now

Magic pours from the words I Love You

Become the magic of LOVE

Flow with the magic
of letting everything be new

The Universe gives you gifts and
every gift is an opportunity
for transformation

The Universe loves you
and all the thoughts of
everything you want
gather together in beautiful
swirls of love to bring you
your heart's deepest

Let yourself be transformed
into Love and Light by
simply loving the present moment
and saying Let There Be Light

As your heart is filled with Light
everything you do is a blessing

Breathe Love and Light
into your heart
It surrounds everything you think of
with beautiful golden Light
bringing miracles everyday
and magic every moment

Keep making little changes
everyday as they occur to you
and big changes will naturally
evolve in the flow of Love

Enjoy the flow of
Magical Changes

Bring yourself totally into the present moment
appreciating all you see and hear

Appreciate who and where you are
in the flow of Now

So many new wonderful gifts
are flowing to you

Open your heart

Give and receive

Magic flows in you
through you
and all around you

You are the magic

Everything that comes to you
is a gift of magic
from yourself
to yourself

Breath deep breaths of
Love and Well-Being
for All

The Love and Calmness you breathe
blesses all and flows into
the magical creation of
happy outcomes
for all

Divine Love breathes you

Fill this moment with
the magic of Divine You

The breath of gratitude
and appreciation you breathe
in this now moment
surrounds all you think of
with beautiful light of rainbow love
and joins the blessings of angels
to create magnificent new
blessings of Joy to flow to you
from you and through you
always brightly shining
well-beingness and
magic of Life

Love the changes
You are the changes
Every change is an opportunity
to flow higher and happier
as you let go and
simply spread your wings
in the Joy of
ever changing Now



Monday, July 15, 2013

Peter Kater

About 3 weeks ago Peter Kater followed me on Twitter
and I thought wow, that must be a different Peter Kater than
the one who plays such beautiful music on the piano.
But after I followed him he sent a direct message saying
Thanks for the follow!
Are you making your own music?
This link took me to his facebook page.
Cool! It WAS the real Peter Kater!
Of course, I immediately "liked" his page
and followed him on facebook.
Then I tweeted him this...
Thank you for following me Peter ♥♫*~♥
I've always loved your music and went to
one of your concerts in Boulder
And he favorited my tweet!
I was so touched!
So I looked at his other tweets and saw
that he had just given away 2 free tickets to his
inhome concert coming up on July 13 and
the winner was one of my online friends!
So I looked on facebook to see if that was
the same Rae Jensan that I knew and it was!
So I messaged Rae and she said she
has been to several of his inhome concerts
and highly recommended them to me,
said that I would really love it.
Well I thought it would be cool to meet Rae
in person at Peter's concert so I got a ticket.
As it turned out, Rae wasn't able to go
to the concert after all, but that's okay.
We'll probably meet at another one
of Peter's concerts someday.
Steven said he would take me and drop me off
then go to a movie or something. He loves Peter's music too
but felt shy about going to something so intimate
with people he didn't know.
When I was trying to find something to wear I
decided my cat dress would be perfect but the
only shoes I had were crocs so I was planning to
go to Goodwill to find some new shoes.
Then I got an email from Peter saying that
dress was casual and everyone was asked to
leave their shoes at the door.
I was so happy to hear that,
it instantly made me feel more relaxed....
Well, Saturday night was very magical!
It only took 45 minutes to drive from our house
to Peter's and that was all back roads and no traffic.
Peter met everyone at the door and shook their hand.
I said "Hi, I'm Zoe, Rae's friend!"
And he said "I love your socks"

I headed for the front row because that's always
my favorite place to be at any kind of concert.
Peter walked in with his tshirt and jeans and bare feet
and made us all feel at home, then started playing
his beautiful grand piano.
The music was so beautiful I could hardly breathe.
Peter said no applause please,
but in between songs people could comment
or ask him questions.
I was too spellbound to say anything.
The music took me to another world
and brought me back again transformed.
The last song he played was Espresso and it
was probably the most amazing musical experience
I have ever had. I told him so.
And I bought his Piano CD
which is a collection of his most requested
and loved piano compositions.
After the music was over I enjoyed a glass of wine
made a few new friends, then Steven picked me up.
He had had a great time at the movie!
Life is always bringing such magical gifts.
Peter Kater
Thank you for bringing your beautiful gift
of piano music to the world.
And thank you for seeking me out
so I could be there for your
magical inhome concert.
Love, Zoe