Monday, August 19, 2013

My New Harmonium


A few weeks ago I told Steven that when I
have memorized the entire Hanuman Chalisa then I
want to buy a harmonium so I can play it
while I sing the Hanuman Chalisa

I finished memorizing it a few days ago
We were looking at harmoniums on ebay
yesterday morning when I got an email
from my friend Lauren saying that her
husband had decided he didn't want to
sell any of his harmoniums right now
so when I told Steven that he said
well I'll find you one on Craig's list

So he looked on Craig's list and there was a
harmonium for sale at a garage sale in
Boulder for $175 and the sale was only
going to be one day (today) from 10-2

I looked in my cash box and I had $178
So we drove to Boulder, got to the
garage sale just a few minutes after it opened,
walked in and saw this beautiful harmonium,
fell in love with it and said we'll take it


Just another example of how
magical life is


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Two Magical Synchronicities


We were hiking the other day
from Bear Lake to Glacier Gorge and
as we started out I looked at the time

it was 10:16

When we got to Bierstadt Lake
I looked at the time

it was 11:16

When we got to Glacier Gorge
parking lot I looked at the time

it was 12:16

I thought, Wow that is so unusual!
I wonder what the significance of those numbers is?

Later that afternoon
Steven found a fountain on Craig's List
(we have been looking for the perfect one

for several months)

When I saw the fountain I immediately loved it
even though it was well worn, and needed
painting and a new pump

It has 3 levels and each one
has 16 raised ridges

That's the significance of the three 16's!!

We brought the top half home first and
within just a few minutes of setting it up
in our Sandalphon Circle I looked out the window
and 3 baby deers were checking it out!

Here's the other magical synchronicity

This morning I was outside singing
my Sacred Animal Songs by our little waterfall
and when I finished I set my iphone up

and made a video of Nuthatch Song

I was hoping maybe a little nuthatch
would come along to be in the video

That didn't happen but one did
sing along near the end

I came inside to pick my
Sacred Animal Song of the day
so I could make a piano video
of it like I have been lately


Can you believe?!!


So instead of making a piano video
I just used the singing one that I
had just made :)

 Nuthatch teaches us grounding
and to have faith in ourselves

Being grounded simply means
we are fully present and
focused in the NOW moment

experiencing peaceful awareness
connected to All that Is
and in the Flow
Here is what I wrote in my journal this morning
Life Loves You
This now moment is how
life shows its Love for You
Breathe deep breaths of Love
for this NOW moment
Love Youself deeply through
your Love for this now moment

You are here now
and You Are LOVE
Happy Magical Day!
I Love You