The rattlesnake tried to tell me!
We are now a family of 4!
Because little Minnie Kay
came to live with us.
It all happened like this.
A guy that Steven works with brought
in a little white kitty just 5 weeks old.
Steven took a picture of it and emailed it
to me with this as the subject line
Mini K
When I saw that I thought what a perfect name.
If we do get a little white kitten we will have
to name her Minnie Kay. We had been thinking
about getting one someday so Koyuki would
have someone to play with when we leave
for a few days at a time. But we didn't go out
looking for one. We figured one would
just show up when the time was right.
Sure enough.
2 days later we drove east of Eaton to look at
the other white kitten in the litter and we
fell in love with her instantly and brought her home.
Minnie Kay is 7 weeks old now and doing great.
Koyuki is adjusting. It will take a little while for
her to accept the new kitty but it will happen in time.
In fact, Steven and I are writing a song in Spanish
about our 2 white kitties called Dos Gatos Blancos
Tenemos dos gatos blancos
Uno se llama Koyuki y el otro se llama Minnie Kay
Uno pequeno y uno grande
Y esperamos que algun dia se vuelvan amigos
Another cool thing that happened was
the article about Dusty in the newspaper
Loveland Man Develops Crystal Activation System
It was cool to see his campaign reach these magic numbers $4,444
And even though he didn't reach his goal
people are still donating and
ordering his beautiful cards
I'm so thankful for all the
magical blessings of August!